Gym Etiquette
Free man lifting weights gym workout photo, public domain fitness CC0 image.
April 12, 2022
The gym can be intimidating for those who are at the start of their fitness journey. As you look to your right, you may find the buff gym bro’s that deadlift three times your body weight while making direct eye contact with you the entire time. Then you turn to your left and see the gym girls that almost scare you because they look like they are in labor until you realize that she is not pushing a baby but rather a 300 lb barbell. And next thing you know, the pregnant lady in front of you is squatting 130 lbs plus the baby in her belly, yet somehow maintaining perfect form and fantastic depth. Beyonce was right; girls do, in fact, run the world; take a page out of Queen B’s book and walk into that gym with confidence and pride. Though it is easier said than done, here are a few tips and unspoken rules that everyone should know and will help you rule that gym.
Do not under any circumstances interrupt someone in the middle of their set. Many people do not realize that the gym is an emotional outlet for a large majority. People go there to work on themselves physically and mentally by constantly pushing and challenging themselves. During a person’s set, they probably have their headphones on full blast, they are focused on their breathing, perfecting their form…they are in the zone. It is rude for someone to interrupt a stranger to either ask how much left they have to do or if they can use their specific machine.
Rule #2: JUST ASK
This may seem like an obvious one, but believe it or not, it is a constant issue. When a person is finished with their set and is taking a break before going on to the next one, ask them if you can use the machine instead of just taking it. Going back to rule #1, wait until they are done before interrupting! When they have clearly finished their set, their belongings are near it and are standing next to the machine, simply ask them if you can use it or how much more they have left; who knows maybe they will let you work in with them.
Rule #3: RESPECT
Respect the machine and the gym. People tend to slam the weights during their sets and unless it is a bodybuilding gym where you are trying to get a deadlift personal record, hitting the weights is unacceptable. Most gyms have signs specifying not to because it could potentially break the machine, and you’ll be in a lot of trouble, but even if they don’t have some decency and let down the weights slowly and controlled. If you are unable to, then that means that you should lower the load, even if it may hurt your ego.
The gym can be a dangerous place where you are prone to injury. One way to avoid getting hurt is to respect people’s personal space. If you see someone squatting next to you, move a couple steps back and give them their room to breathe and concentrate.
Please, and I cannot stress this enough, clean up after yourself. Like all of us, you are human, and you sweat, out of respect to your fellow gym buddies, wipe down your bench or machine because no one likes to feel someone else’s sweat on their behind. When you are done using a weight, unrack it and put it back where it belongs, that way you are not hoarding dumbbells or plates and allowing others to use them.
At the end of the day, all those who go to the gym are there for one reason, to better themselves. Do not be afraid to go because you don’t know what you are doing because everyone starts somewhere. It may seem like you are getting stares, and it may feel intimidating, but it is genuinely a judgment-free zone, so just have fun and challenge yourself.