When is the right time to put up holiday decorations?
Photo of decorated home in RIchmond, VIrginia
December 8, 2022
Happy holiday season Bulls!
Since the beginning of the holidays, home decorations define the celebration for some. It has sparked quite a hefty debate online and in the HOA meeting rooms. There have been decorations up from August, while some choose to wait till December, and some do not put any up at all. If you’re like me, this time of year can be pretty stressful, but do not fear because I have the answers to all your problems.
We asked 110 West Boca students these decorating questions and gathered their opinions on the holiday decorating extravaganza.
Question one: What holiday(s) do you celebrate this time of year?
84 people say they celebrate Christmas
11 people say they celebrate Hanukkah
13 people say they celebrate multiple holidays
2 people say they celebrate all of them, mostly for the gifts
Question two: Do you put up holiday decorations?
95 people say yes, they do put up holiday decorations
15 people say they do not
Question three: When do you put up your decorations?
41 people say after Thanksgiving
40 people say early December
7 people say the day after Halloween
2 people say the week before Thanksgiving
1 person said the day of Thanksgiving
1 person said as soon as October hits
So all in all, West Boca students agree that the time to put up your decorations is after Thanksgiving. And at latest, early December. While all their holiday decorating matters, it would be nice to hear from more of you. I have found some people leave their Christmas trees and holiday lights up all-year-round. It sure is the most wonderful time of the year.
I personally put my decorations up the day after Thanksgiving, and to me, it is the best possible choice. There is a perfect amount of time to ring in the holiday season while also being able to acknowledge fall time.
Even though we get summers year-round here in Florida, it’s important to celebrate the holidays in whichever way you choose. The decorating debacle will still remain heated, but hopefully this helped with your decor schedule.
And if you really want to see some crazy lights this season, tune into the Great Christmas Light Fight on either Hulu of Disney+ every Monday!!
But if you’re looking for something to do with the family, Holiday Fantasy of Lights at Tradewinds Park in Coconut Creek is a magical experience.