24 School days until Graduation!
Senior Update

March 29, 2023
Howdy Seniors! It is T-minus 48 days until graduation day! Hence, Mr. Cohen – our graduation coach, and administrators invited all the seniors for a meeting in the auditorium to discuss all the important details and remind us of all the responsibilities we have until May 16th.
First and foremost, seniors need to have all FLVS and Ingenuity classes completed by April 30th, if those classes are a graduation requirement and you haven’t finished them by then, you won’t be able to walk on graduation day.
The next important date is graduation practice on May 10th, at 9 AM in the Gym. Remember, you MUST attend graduation practice if you wish to walk on May 16th. Also, at practice, you will receive your cap + gown (which, if you haven’t ordered yet, you can do so on the Herff jones website or on April 13th here on campus). You will also receive your graduation tickets, and your cords will be awarded to you by your club/ academy sponsors.
In the meantime, seniors get to have some (well-deserved) fun at Prom, which is happening on April 14th, and Grad Bash, on April 21st. Prom tickets will be on sale until April 4th for $150 and if you wish to bring a guest, YOU MUST FILL OUT A GUEST FORM (which you can get in Students Services). To be able to attend both of these events, you MUST be clear of any obligations – if you are unsure, e-mail Ms. Ostrow or chat with Ms. Cannon at the Media Center. Remember: you are expected to follow school rules in both events and if you don’t do so, you might be prohibited from walking on graduation.
SGA officers also reminded seniors to sign up for the fun senior picnic on May 12th, tickets are on sale!
To answer the question we were all eager to know the answer to: Senior exams are only required if you failed the 3rd or 4th quarter. I repeat, Seniors are only required to take the exams if they failed either one of the 9 weeks. However, it is no excuse to start skipping class like crazy, the consequences for multiple absences aren’t non- existent.
Hang in there Seniors, we’re almost there!