
Camryn Nowell, Staff Writer

Prom has been and always will be the highlight of everyone’s high school career Prom is a gathering of usually the senior class (sometimes juniors also, depending on the school) where you buy fancy dresses, rent limos, and get all dolled up to go and dance and eat amazing food with your classmates one last time. It’s a farewell to high school and all of the good and bad memories. But with prom comes crazy expenses. To name a few things girls have to purchase; prom dress, shoes, boutonnieres.  girls also have to get their nails done, which includes a manicure and a pedicure, makeup done, and also hair. This may not seem like much; but with these items and tasks comes hidden expenses. A prom dress alone can range from the low of around $80 and the high of close to $1,000. the price all depends on the style, fit of the dress, how much is beading is on the dress, and if alterations need to be performed to make the dress fit seamlessly. The cost for shoes can range from $30 to $120. Depending on the type of nail style one gets, the price can range from $25 for a basic manicure and polish to  $70 for acrylics with gel polish and a design, this does not include the pedicure. Pedicures cost around $30 for basic polish. Makeup application can be done at home with makeup that you have already purchased or you can get your makeup done professionally the price is averaged with tip to come around to about $75. Hairstyles can also be done at home for free, but just like makeup application going to a salon has a variety a prices. For a basic curl or blowout the price would be around $50, for any braids or up-do the price averages around $65 without tip.

Prom expenses for boys on the other hand are not much cheaper. To rent  a tux the average price starts at $60. Boys also have to buy the corsage which is priced at $25.  if you’re going with a date often times the boy pays for both prom tickets.West Boca High School prom tickets are $125 each, which comes to a price of $250. Sometimes there are parties being thrown after prom. Based on your high school these prices vary for attending. if you’re renting a limo, depending on the size and how many people are going to be seated inside the price varies from $80 to  $130 plus tip per person. It appears that both boys and girls could end up spending close to the same amount of money, with prices rising close to $1000 in some cases. Prom is very expensive, it has its benefits, for example spending your last moments with classmates you have been going to school with for four years and the cons being how costly it is to attend. All in all prom is a fun and exciting experience which lay be costly, but worth it!