Alright, everyone, it’s the new year! You know what that means. It’s time to sign up for the same gym membership that’s been lounging on your resolution list. The same one that you tried out for a week and put off because you were “too busy.” Realistically, the excitement of a new year doesn’t have to resort to a neglected free trial at LA Fitness. Instead, we can modify our goals in order to adhere to our hobbies and interests, essentially paving the way for our long-term success.
If we take a look at different cultures regarding the new year, many Asian countries consider the lunar new year to celebrate the arrival of spring. The connotation associated with spring is growth and rejuvenation, so another way to motivate ourselves during this time is to check in with our values and relationships. Determining whether or not our goals align with our values is vital in considering new pastimes. Take this month of January to reflect on your previous year. If you are struggling with how to do this, ask yourself these few questions: what gave you stress? What mistakes did you make? How will you learn from your mistakes and essentially grow as a person? Give yourself a mere 30 minutes in the day to take out a slip of paper, or more realistically, your notes app, and record your objectives and observations. Use this time to focus on your priorities and values, as they will determine the mindset in which you step into the new year!
A key reminder for embracing the new year is recognizing that you will NOT be the most perfect version of yourself. The media often nags us into thinking that we must accomplish all of our goals and model a successful lifestyle, yet, this is not the perspective we must rely on. In fact, the ability to modify our lifestyle and to consider potential changes may be the most impactful. Don’t waste time comparing your path to that of someone else’s, as comparison is commonly the thief of joy. We all find ourselves in the mind trap of “How are they making this much money already?” or “How does she go to the gym every day?” which entangles us in the net of self-pity and low self-esteem. This is often what sets us back from working toward our goals and sticking to a routine throughout the new year. Simply put, we give up. We give up on our progress and our commitment to improving ourselves every day. Consistency is key, after all.
Now, as we wave goodbye to 2024 and welcome in 2025, we must stay mindful of our values and passions. Embracing change empowers growth, so be picky about those resolutions!