For the new year, many people resolved to be healthier, eat less sugar and processed foods, etc. But now that the new year is beginning to be in full swing some people have committed to their New Year’s resolution and some have not. Having a healthy lifestyle is important and is not only about diet. Besides a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle should include regular exercise, hydration, sleep, and avoiding harmful habits. Committing to a healthier lifestyle can be very difficult. Therefore I came up with some fun and easy ways to commit to a healthier lifestyle and diet!
A fun way to stay active is signing up for yoga, workout, and/or Pilates classes. Signing up for different classes makes for a fun experience and it helps switch up your routine. It’s good to switch up your routine because what I’ve found is having a consistent routine can get boring and can make you want to return to your old ways. Also, these types of classes have many different times so it will be easy to fit into your schedule!
Try fun less sugar alternatives. As someone with a sweet tooth, I know how hard it is to cut down on sugar but there are SO many fun less sugary options such as Smartsweets, UNREAL, Hu Kitchen, and Lily’s products.
Go for walks!!!! Walks are an amazing, easy, and relaxing way to stay active. You can walk on the beach, through a park, a trail, etc. There are so many opportunities!
HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! Especially water!! Sodas and drinks with massive amounts of added sugars are not going to be helpful to your health. Probiotic sodas such as Poppi or Ollipop or Kombucha are good alternatives to sodas. They have fewer sugars, calories, and artificial additives. It also helps to alleviate that soda craving.
Set a small part of your day aside to meditate. Meditation is good for improving your sleep schedule, stress, and blood pressure as well as creating better psychological well-being.
Get enough sleep! At least 7-8 hours of sleep a night is beneficial for helping you feel more physically healthy, increase cognitive function, mental performance, and mood.
Ultimately, for some, it may be difficult to stick with a healthy diet and lifestyle. However, there are several easy tips and tricks to help keep up a healthy diet and lifestyle. It’s important both physically and mentally and should be a priority because HEALTH IS WEALTH!