What tests are you taking this Spring?

What tests are you taking this Spring?

Loni Solomon

Testing is right around the corner and we are finally nearing the end of the school year. As you know, there are many different types of end of year tests. This may include, FSA, EOC, AICE, and AP Testing (not including your final exams given by each of your teachers). 

FSA stands for Florida Statewide Assessment, and is given to 9th and 10th grade students in the subjects of Language Arts (reading and writing). 

EOC stands for, End of Course Test. The EOC is given in Biology 1, Algebra 1, US History, and Geometry. 

AICE stands for Advanced International Certificate of Education. These courses are equal to a college level class.There are multiple different AICE subjects and tests that follow them. This includes, Aice English General Paper, Aice English Language, Aice International History, Aice US History, Aice Spanish, Aice Math, Aice Thinking Skills, Aice Marine Science, and  Aice Global Perspectives. AICE testing includes a large amount of writing, with no multiple choice questions. 

AP stands for Advanced Placement. These courses are equal to a college level class. There are multiple different AP courses available for students. This includes, AP Research, AP Seminar, AP Art History, AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Calculus AB/BC, AP Human Geography, AP Government and Politics, AP Psychology, AP Macro/Micro, AP US History, AP World History, AP Statistics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, and multiple AP languages. AP testing is given in both multiple choice and written questions. 

This time of the year can be very stressful and challenging, but just know that your teachers have prepared you to be successful on these exams. Study for success everyone! 

P.S. – Please check the principal’s update for exact times and dates. 

Good luck Bulls!