Introducing Evelyn Garcia

Alexandra Kimbrell, Reporter

     Presenting, Evelyn Garcia. Her family consists of her father, mother, two brothers, four dogs, and two cats. Her parents are both from Mexico. Before coming back to school for her junior year, Evelyn’s summer was very eventful. She celebrated her friend’s birthday, and she also spent time with her brother before he went on to basic training for the Army. She has a job as a bagger and cashier at Publix Which she continued to work at over the summer. Also, she attended band camp in preparation for joining band again once school started. Evelyn plays clarinet in a band, but over the summer, she started learning how to play the ukulele. Evelyn can also play a bit of piano and took a piano class which helped her improve her playing. She enjoys reading, with two of her favorite genres of books being mysteries and thrillers, although she loves exploring other genres One of her favorite books is The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Other than reading, Evelyn loves Marvel and enjoyed watching it growing up, but also watched many other shows and movies aside from Marvel. Aside from that, she also loves traveling, her favorite place to travel being Atlanta, Georgia. Most of her participation in extracurricular activities include being in Save the Ocean Club, Symphonic band, the school newspaper, the Literary League Club, and she also plans on joining Key Club this year. After high school, she plans to go to college. Her favorite subjects are science and history and she is also working towards the AICE diploma. She joined the school newspaper because she loves writing and topics she can write about are updates on the school band, any tips or advice that can help other students throughout their school year, or spreading awareness. But she will enjoy writing updates about anything going on this school year.