How to Become a Voter!

March 30, 2023
The 2022 Midterm election season has passed, and the wait until 2024 has officially begun. As high school students, Seniors have a unique opportunity to cast their ballot as legal adults in the United States while still being high schoolers.
But it isn’t as easy as “show up and check the box,” so what is the process to become a Florida voter?
It’s simpler than you think. First go to, the State of Florida’s official registration website. Ensure you have your Florida ID and the last four digits of your social security number.
After filling out your basic information, you are faced with a decision: what party should I register as? This decision should be made after proper research into the beliefs and policies of both political parties. If you need some help, the Pew Research Center has a political party quiz that can be taken HERE
Don’t put off such an important process in our country, and ensure your voice is heard in the next election!