Sun Sentinel Awards Ceremony

Members of the Bullseye with their awards from the Sun Sentinel awards ceremony.

Emma Lawman, Reporter

   On Thursday May 17th, myself and other members of the Bullseye, along with our sponsor Ms. Rosenblum, attended an awards ceremony hosted by the Sun Sentinel. We had eleven other schools as competition; we brought home 5 awards. Kathy Laskowski of the Sun Sentinel wrote an article listing the winners of the contests. 

    Our visit to the Sun Sentinel included more than the awards ceremony. We were given a lecture from one of the staff members about the importance of truth in journalism and his advice for aspiring journalists. This was followed by a tour that included seeing the machines that the newspapers are actually printed on and taught about the process of producing the news. 

    Our experience at the Sun Sentinel was both interesting and educational. The staff was incredibly kind and welcoming. It was exciting to meet people who were professional journalists and the editor of a newspaper. We at the Bullseye are incredibly grateful to the people at the Sun Sentinel and want to say thank you for the incredible experience and opportunity.