The End of the World


Ashley Annese, Staff Writer

WARNING: It’s highly likely that the human population will go extinct around 2050 if we don’t reverse the climate change threatening our planet! The current climate crisis is becoming increasingly severe and within a few years, the temperature increase will put millions at risk. Not only is the climate threatening the planet, but our oceans are overflowing with plastic killing the beautiful animals that inhabit the earth. We as humans have made many detrimental mistakes over the years that are unsuspected threats to our planet, thankfully it’s not too late to reverse the damage we’ve caused. 

One of the main issues our planet has developed is the destruction of our coral reefs. Due to the excessive amounts of plastic, oil, and trash we pollute the ocean with, wildlife is dying. The damage to the coral reefs is heartbreaking, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, “at least 25 reefs will experience multiple bleaching events by 2040, rapidly killing all coral present.” Additionally, the death of coral reefs will rapidly increase, wiping out 90% of the coral reefs by 2040. We can still take steps to save our reefs by cleaning the beaches, recycling, and taking action to prevent oil spills. Saving and reviving our reefs and marine life is one of the most drastic steps we can take to rescue our planet and the organisms that inhabit it. 

More environmental issues like deforestation, overabundance in greenhouse gasses,

extreme weather events, rising seas, ice caps melting, and global warming all threaten our planet. While we need greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere to preserve heat on the planet, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change explains “an increase of carbon dioxide due to burning fossil fuels has been one of the main causes of global warming.” Some solutions for this issue is burning fewer fossil fuels and planting more trees to release more oxygen, doing so would also solve deforestation. Things like melted ice caps, rising seas, and extreme weather events are due to climate change and global warming. Taking action to plant more trees, use fewer fossil fuels, and clean our planet could ultimately reverse climate change over time. 

Our planet will soon be uninhabitable if we don’t make changes as a whole, we are the only planet that we know of that has life and we are continuing to destroy it. Future generations will not be capable of leading healthy lives and producing offspring if we continue on this path. Each of us as individuals need to make minor changes in our daily lives to reverse and rehabilitate our planet because if we all do our part, we can come together as a whole and save the planet.